Executive Education & Management Practice

If you a manager, see below to find seminars on the St. Gallen Management Model (SGMM), as well as information on developing and implementing tailored (in-house) SGMM-based training programs in your organization.


“When I entered the business world in 1972 and had no idea about companies, a friend gave me a copy of the St. Gallen Management Model. I began to suspect how interesting, but also how complex companies are. I have since been eagerly awaiting every new version of the SGMM — and have never been disappointed.”

Dr. Rolf Soiron, former Chairman of the Board of Directors of Lonza, Holcim and Nobel Biocare and of the University Council of the University of Basel


“With the St. Gallen Management Model, Simon Grand and Johannes Rüegg-Stürm have succeeded in identifying value creation as the central focus of management in the dynamic interplay of environment and organization. At the same time, they convincingly demonstrate the outstanding importance of communication and culture for effective management practice.”

Lars van der Haegen, CEO, BELIMO Holding AG