Distinguished Management Scholar Series
The SGMM’s ongoing further development has rested on intensive exchange with the international scientific community. For years, we have regularly invited outstanding personalities as Distinguished Management Scholars to discuss their positions and our findings on the latest issues and trends in organizational and management research and to deepen them together.
Our previous research partners:
Robert Chia, University of Glasgow
François Cooren, Université de Montréal
Ann Cunliffe, TAOS Institute
Martha Feldman, University of California
Robin Holt, Copenhagen Business School
Alfred Kieser, Universität Mannheim
Ann Langley, HEC Montréal
Henry Mintzberg, McGill University
Davide Nicolini, Warwrick Business School
Günther Ortmann, Universität Witten/Herdecke
Andrew Pettigrew, Saïd Business School
Rudolf Wimmer, University of Witten / Herdecke
You can find critical statements from these scholars on the book “Managing in a Complex World” at: Critical acclaim